Being a Swede, I never celebrated halloween when I grew up, the only time we got to dress up was at easter when we dressed up as witches, and pretended to go to "Blåkulla" a tiny island on the west coast of Sweden, where the witches go on maundy thursday to have a party. It was a bit similar to halloween, since you went to the neighbors to beg for candy, but only witches could join in, and the dress-up was just borrowing an old skirt of you mother and paint red dots on your cheeks.
Then, when the kids were little, in Italy, in February, there was carnivale, that was much more fun. They could dress up as anything they wanted, and went to the village square to throw confetti and show off their costumes, with hordes of other little princesses and action heroes. My kids now goes to an american school here in Milan, so I realize that halloween is a big deal. There will be a huge party, and everything is really spooky. I wanted to do something "halloweenish" in my Etsy shop, so I decided the hungry cats are going trick or treating. This year they are going as a ghosts. I even made special halloween spooky black cat packaging.
Hungry Cat, Halloween edition |
Spooky Halloween packaging |
Simba, not very impressed |
My son, at Carnevale, many years ago |