Back in milan after a lovely Easter week in Sweden, When we left we had just had a heatwave and walked around without coats, so It was quite a shock to come to the snowy north of Sweden. But it was great to have some proper snow, and to be able to go skiing. It has been a busy week since we came back, reopening and restocking my shop, and filling orders accumulated during easter. But now it is open and fully stocked :)
Today I got some black and white polkadot oilcloth to make place mats from. I was tired of washing and ironing my old linen ones, so I decided to make some I just have to wipe off when they get dirty. OK, the linen ones are nicer, but from now on, they will be for special occasions only. I really hate ironing. And they were really easy to make too :) They look nice don't they?